Where do I even start? The tall, bright-eyed young man you see below is Danny, a senior at Garland High School. He’s ambitious, funny, so much fun to talk to, and more than anything else, he’s a kind soul. He’s also the younger brother of a dear friend of mine. And before he became the […]

On Friday evening I had the honor of photographing the wedding of high school sweethearts. Denisse and Jared and I share an alma mater and as a romantic, I was happy to see their Facebook relationship status upgrade from “in a relationship” to “engaged” last year. Lucky for me, they let me photograph their engagement […]

Happy Valentine’s Day! A couple of months ago I got the chance to shoot an Arboretum wedding with the amazing Laura of Loewen Images! She’s a photographer who used to shoot in the Chicago area but who is now living and working in Dallas! What made it even more special is that the groom is […]

In honor of Valentine’s Day next week, I’m having a Pinterest contest to find a sassy couple (or two!) to model for the camera! So if you’ve got a hubby and a gown and want to take them both out for a spin, I want you to show me how you strut! And engaged couples, […]

This time last week, I was going through my personal photos from 2012 and reflected on what an amazing year it’s been for me. Then I wrote a message to my 2012 clients and thanked them for their support, and while doing that, I realized all of the beautiful parts of life I got to […]

This November 24th is Small Business Saturday®, a day to celebrate and support the local small businesses that boost the economy and invigorate neighborhoods across the country. Cristy Angulo Photography is proud to take part in Small Business Saturday, and we’re encouraging everyone to Shop Small® here on November 24th. Plus, we’re having a special […]

For my latest work, behind the scenes
+ married-with-rescue-pups life, follow
