I married my husband, Chris on our sixth anniversary of dating. I'm sentimental like that. We've been together 10 years. He is my favorite person on the planet and the most patient man in the universe.
We have two adorable rescue pups who run our household.
I have a bachelor's degree in photojournalism.
I'm half Costa Rican (so is my husband) and have still never been. Somebody help me out.
I'm obsessed with researching my ancestry.
My name is Cristy Angulo and I'm a married twenty-something from Dallas, Texas. I've been in business for five years, and before then, I spent five long years shooting and learning like crazy.
In 2014, I quit my corporate job to work on my business full time, got engaged, and the following summer, became a June bride.
I've spent my entire adult life building my business and building the foundation of my marriage at the same time. These are two facets of my life that I feel overwhelmingly grateful to have and motivated to keep.
The most exciting thing to me is exploring somewhere new with Chris. Luckily for me, we share our love of travel and dream big together. I'm never not planning a trip and always say yes to adventuring outside of Dallas.
There's nothing like feeling the ocean breeze and seeing its power and beauty. Family vacations growing up always = the beach!
I remember entering Queen Mary's Rose Gardens in London and feeling completely blissful by the sight and scent of thousands of roses in front of me.
As soon as I could read, my favorite place was the bookstore. Harry Potter shaped by childhood - book release parties and midnight movie premieres brought me so much joy.
The smell of sunblock alone makes me so happy. I love sitting by the pool with a book and snacks in between dips in the water.
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